
Training support

One of the major objectives of the CBA is to build capacity through training of postdoctoral and postgraduate researchers.

The CBA welcomes input from our Early Career Researchers (Postdocs and PhD students) regarding the types of training activities they need to address their specific research requirements and interests. 

Our Training support funding is available to ECRs for a range of training activities including workshops, short courses, tutorials and retreats.

Previously CBA-funded training activities proposed by ECRs include:

CBA’s workshops provide excellent opportunities to learn from and network and interact with presenters that may not otherwise come to Canberra.” CSIRO Research Scientist, 2016

"The CBA's opportunities  including attending and leading workshops  have equipped me with a skill set that is sought-after as an ECR. I strongly urge PhD students and ECRs to take full advantage of them, as they are instrumental in cultivating the skill sets required for success”. Post doc, University of Canberra, 2023

Student funding

The CBA also helps facilitate ANU and UC students spending time in CSIRO labs, providing valuable exposure to CSIRO scientists and research. Co-supervised honours projects also afford an excellent opportunity to develop collaborative linkages between CSIRO staff and university researchers.

Previously CBA-funded student projects include:

The CBA grant I received allowed me to see my honours year as much more than a university assessment. It gave me an incredible opportunity and working with CSIRO encouraged me to think about the potential consequences and applications of my research. It also helped fund conference attendance and I feel attributed to the beginning of an exciting science career for me.” Hons student, ANU, 2016
This funding was integral to my PhD project, and development as an early-career scientist, facilitating networks with CSIRO.” PhD student, ANU, 2019

Updated:  4 March 2025/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services