ANU Nanopore Sequencing Workshop

This CBA-supported workshop is targeted at beginner and intermediate users of the Oxford Nanopore MinION sequencing platform. It represents a unique opportunity to learn more about this exciting and mature sequencing platform from experienced users.

The hands-on workshop will be run over three days, covering the technology, DNA sample QC, library preparation techniques (rapid, 1D and 1D^2), starting runs, bioinformatics analysis and interpretation.

The workshop is based on previous efforts from leaders in the field who started UK PoreCamp (Josh Quick and Nick Lohman) and participated in porecamp.AU.

Applications to attend are now open and will close 1 May 2017. Ten places are reserved for local researchers at ANU while another 20 are open to the wider sequencing community at CSIRO, University Canberra and elsewhere. All applications are strictly competitive and aimed at ensuring diversity.

Follow us on Twitter with #MinIONANU


Workshop Objectives

  • Learn the basics of DNA extraction and DNA QC obtained from (non-)model organisms.
  • Develop best wet-lab practices to produce a high-quality MinION library.
  • Hands-on experience, running your MinION on your own computer.
  • Discover suitable data-handling methods for MinION output.
  • Discuss latest bioinformatic methods for analysis of real-time nanopore data.

Workshop program

  • Day 1: Background, DNA sample QC, library prep, starting your run.
  • Day 2: Bioinformatic background and initial analysis of your run.
  • Day 3: Bringing it all together and finishing up.

How to apply

  • Fill in the expression-of-interest form. Successful participants will be notified by 5 May.
  • Attendance fee: $900 AUD (includes flowcell & library kit for MinION run and catering).
  • You must BYO MinION device and a compatible laptop.

Workshop organisers (ANU)

  • Benjamin Schwessinger
  • Megan McDonald
  • Steve Eichten
  • Norman Warthmann

Confirmed trainers

  • Benjamin Schwessinger (ANU)
  • Megan McDonald (ANU)
  • Steve Eichten (ANU)
  • Louise Judd (UniMelb) 
