Past events
Bogong Moth Summit: uniting people, place and purpose for conservation »
This two-day CBA Synthesis Group workshop will highlight the cultural and ecological importance of the Bogong Moth and discuss the challenges and developments in their conservation.
Threading links between the silk genotype and phenotype in caddisflies, nature’s underwater architects »
In this seminar, Paul Frandsen, visiting from Brigham Young University, will explore the evolution of silk genes and the links between the silk genotype and phenotype in insect order Trichoptera (caddisflies).
Single Cell Analysis of Mother Earth »
CBA Director Justin Borevitz will present his group's progress mapping and modelling crop, pasture and tree cells and their functions for global accounting for environmental and planetary health.
Sequencing, assembling, and annotating genomes with PacBio HiFi data »
Over two days, Paul Frandsen (Brigham Young University) will provide workshop participants with knowledge and hands-on experience in analysing PacBio HiFi sequencing data, running whole genome assemblies, evaluating the quality of their genome assemblies, and will be introduced to whole genome annotation.
ABDF Open Day »
An opportunity to hear about and observe the DiversityScanner at the newly established Australian Biodiversity Discovery Facility and discuss ways of testing and developing this novel technology in Australia.
Multi-species Coalescent Analysis »
In this workshop Adam Leaché, from the University of Washington, will give an introduction and run through practical activities on coalescent theory and analysis.
Land and Climate mini-symposium »
Four short talks will cut across carbon and water cycles, land use - agriculture, forestry and biodiverse natural ecosystems, which interact with changing global CO2, energy and temperature scenarios.
Genomics bioinformatics with Galaxy »
This workshop will provide an opportunity to learn about using the open web-based graphical user interface Galaxy for genomics.
Comparative species delimitation: examples with lizards »
Adam Leaché, from the University of Washington, will present a special CBA seminar on modern integrative species delimitation methods.
Working with schools to document insect biodiversity using DNA barcoding: impact and possibilities »
Led by Erinn Fagan-Jefferies from the University of Adelaide, Insect Investigators brings together expert taxonomists, educators and communicators to help school students collect and identify new species of insects.