Past events
Introduction to AusTraits »
An introduction to the open-source database AusTraits - the largest collation of trait data for Australian plants.
How science and maths influence environmental policy »
University of Canberra's 2023 Krebs Lecture will be given by Professor Hugh Possingham
Genome Diversity: Insights from long-read sequencing »
The CBA and the National Centre for Indigenous Genomics is hosting a symposium on new advances in 3rd-generation genomics in genome assembly, haplotypes, pangenomes, and structural variation.
Stochastic modelling meets evolutionary biology »
A technical training workshop that will provide an overview of models from matrix-analytic-methods (MAMs) and how they could be used in practical applications.
Evolutionary science for a changing world »
What is evolutionary science? Who is an evolutionary scientist? What role does evolutionary science have to play in the future of Australian science? How can we shape that future?
Integrating morphology and genomes to infer speciation times »
Discussion of recent advances using fossil information integrated in the form of morphometric data to allow simultaneous inference of speciation times, morphological rates of evolution and ancestral character reconstructions.
Shape of Life: reading the evolutionary history of animals by measuring them »
This talk will discuss what can be learnt about evolution and development from comparing the shape of structures such as bones, exoskeletons, and leaves.
Leveraging morphological and genomic data to elucidate evolutionary patterns »
Emma Sherratt and Mario Dos Reiswill present a workshop and seminar each on using genomic and morphological data to study the tree of life.
Advancing taxonomy discussion »
A round table discussion with Rudolf Meier from Museum fur Naturkunde, on how his rapid, accurate, scalable, and cost-effective species discovery and delimitation methods can benefit Australian systematics and taxonomy.
Accelerating biodiversity discovery in hyperdiverse arthropod clades with robots and Nanopore sequencing »
Rudolf Meier, from the Museum fur Naturkunde in Berlin will discuss his novel methods to accelerate biodiversity discovery and monitoring of "dark taxa" using robotics, machine learning imaging and nanopore sequencing.