CBA Workshops

CBA Workshop: Bayesian phylogenetics and macroevolution in RevBayes, presented by Tracy Heath, Iowa State University

CBA technical workshops typically focus on advanced analytical and technical methods, with the primary developers of the methods presenting, across three main areas:

  • population- and phylo-genomics,
  • macro evolution and ecology, and
  • biodiversity informatics.

The Ecogenomics and Bioinformatics Lab (EBL) offers an annual wet lab “Introduction to molecular lab fundamentals” to coincide with new honours and PhD cohorts and also welcomes requests for bespoke experimental and/or training requirements throughout the year.

The CBA also facilitates and supports other activities such as working groups, round table discussions and symposiums that support research development and collaboration across our partner institutions and knowledge exchange amongst scientists, managers and policy makers.

We strongly encourage direct input from post docs and PhD students regarding the types of dry and wet lab training they need for their specific research requirements and interests.

We also support national and international visiting scientists who present a workshop during their time in Canberra.


More information

Upcoming events

9.30am 18 February – 5pm 19 February 2025
Paul Frandsen, Brigham Young University, Utah
Over two days, Paul Frandsen (Brigham Young University) will provide workshop participants with knowledge and hands-on experience in analysing PacBio HiFi sequencing data, running whole genome assemblies, evaluating the quality of their genome assemblies, and will be introduced to whole genome annotation.
1–2 September 2025
Ivan Koludarov, Department of Scientific Computing, Technical University of Munich
Ivan Koludarov visiting from the Technical University of Munich's Department of Scientific Computing will present a workshop on genome annotation methods and their application to difficult to annotate multicopy gene families.

Past events


Updated:  5 December 2024/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services