Synthesis groups

Each year the CBA provides support for a number of small group meetings and interim analyses that aim to generate:
  • High impact syntheses and reviews of existing data or concepts; and/or
  • Collaborative grant proposals; and/or
  • Policy/management outcomes via knowledge exchange between biodiversity scientists and policy makers/managers.


CBA Synthesis Groups (SG) will need to:

  • Have a biodiversity science focus (evolutionary biology, population and ecosystem ecology, genomics, bioinformatics, and/or spatial modelling);
  • Address either blue-sky research questions or applied research outcomes - the CBA supports a mix of SGs across basic and translational* research; and
  • Be co-led by researchers from at least two or more CBA partner institutions (ie. ANU, CSIRO, UC) with a good diversity of participants (ECRs, gender balance, etc). Colleagues from other institutions and external stakeholders are also encouraged.

* If you are interested in developing a proposal with potential policy and/or management engagement, please feel free to discuss your SG idea with our Knowledge Broker Paula Doyle (


Selection criteria

Applications will be assessed by the CBA Director and Liaison Committee in terms of above eligibility criteria and the Synthesis Group's potential to achieve some of the CBA's key impact goals:

  • Increasing success with collaborative research proposals (ARC or other); and/or
  • Increasing the number of joint publications across institutions; and/or
  • Increasing demonstrable impact through translation of biodiversity research to policy and management.

Apply using the Synthesis Group proposal template (under Downloads).

Awarded SGs will be encouraged to share the outcomes of their SG in a seminar or workshop organised by CBA staff.


Past Synthesis Groups

Updated:  5 November 2024/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services