Effects of environmental stress on biodiversity

The Institute for Applied Ecology’s annual Krebs Lecture is dedicated to Professor Charles Krebs, a Thinker in Residence at the Institute for Applied Ecology, for his extraordinary contribution to our understanding and appreciation of our natural world. The annual Krebs lecture is a public lecture where thought-provoking insights into the environmental issues facing our world today are discussed.

This year’s speaker is Prof. David Lindenmayer from the Fenner School at ANU speaking on From landscape transformation to ecosystem collapse: key insights from long-term fire, forest and biodiversity research.

To mark the 10th anniversary of the Krebs Lecture and in keeping with the theme of the lecture, we will hold a half-day workshop on the Effects of environmental stress on biodiversity. The workshop aims to bring researchers from UC, ANU and CSIRO together, where presentations from early career researchers and HDR students will provide the basis for discussion. Key issues and potential areas for ongoing discussion and collaboration will be discussed.

Discussion and networking will continue over drinks at The Well prior to the Krebs Lecture at 6.30 pm.

Talks include:

  • Helen Bothwell (ANU): Forest conservation genomics in the Anthropocene: Opportunities for building climate resilience into post-fire recovery efforts
  • Megan Castelli (UC): Sex across time and space in an Australian lizard with temperature sex determination
  • Claire Foster (ANU): Herbivore-fire interactions: consequences for biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics
  • Jollene Reich (UC): How does thermal variability effect gene flow?
  • Jack Rojahn (UC): Improved species monitoring through the application of eDNA technologies across varying landscapes
  • Emily Stringer (UC): Is rapid environmental change mirrored by rapid change in genetic structure?
  • Kara Youngentob (ANU): Food for thought: A nutritional mechanism underpinning folivore occurence in disturbed forests
  • Ben Scheele (ANU): Global impacts of emerging pathogens on amphibians
  • Catherine Ross (ANU): Bringing back the bettong: rewilding with ecosystem engineers
  • Belinda Wilson (ANU): A Quoll-ity Reintroduction

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Please register for catering purposes and advise of any dietary requirements. 

For any questions about the day, or if you are interested in presenting, please email IAEDirector@canberra.edu.au.

#IAEKrebs2020 | canberra.edu/IAE

Updated:  23 February 2021/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services