Find out about the latest news, announcements and stories at the Centre of Biodiversity Analysis.
25 Aug 2013
The capability for establishing thousands of markers randomly throughout the genome provides outputs that have allowed for unparalleled progress in...
20 Aug 2013
Can you imagine a world where lizards eat elephants? That world existed just 30,000 years ago.
2 Aug 2013
In an invited review in Science published today, Craig Moritz and Rosa Agudo from the CBA highlight an apparent contradiction between species responses to
28 Jun 2013
Collecting seed, growing and re-planting is fundamental to restoration projects. However, little is known of the levels of genetic adaptability present in any...
12 Jun 2013
CBA is pleased to announce a new round of funding exclusively available to post docs and PhD students.
13 May 2013
On no other continent does a single group of plants dominate the landscape as eucalypts do in Australia.
8 Apr 2013
CBA hosted its inaugural conference on Biodiversity Genomics in the first week of April at CSIRO Discovery and ANU.
1 Jan 2013
The Australian arid zone provides a unique opportunity to see how organisms responded to major climatic change
21 Dec 2012
A creative new logo has been designed for the Centre for Biodiversity Analysis.
30 Jul 2012
A new ANU-CSIRO centre will coordinate, develop and promote the rapidly expanding field of biodiversity science between the two institutions.