Reference- and alignment-free estimation of genetic distance using k-mers

Next-gen sequencing has revolutionised the way we investigate (phylo)genetic relationships.

Using traditional techniques, much effort and many resources are required to take NGS data and estimate the relationships between samples. Recent computational advances have allowed researchers to estimate these relationships directly from NGS data.

In this tutorial, Kevin Murray will present a brief survey of these methods, before an interactive tutorial on their use. Please bring your own laptop.

Participants may bring their own NGS data, or we will analyse an example dataset.

The slides, tutorial material, suggested background reading and (meta)data for Kevin's TEA Talk can be found here.


Hosted by the Centre for Biodiversity Analysis, TEA Talks (Techniques in Evolutionary Analysis) are a monthly series of short workshops that introduce a range of current methods and analytical approaches in phylogenetics, bioinformatics and macroevolution. 

We appreciate you taking the time to register (it's free) as it gives us an idea of who’s attending our TEA Talks, and the presenters some background on, and the contact details of, their audience. 


Updated:  21 July 2020/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services