TEA Talks

Hosted by the Centre for Biodiversity Analysis, TEA Talks are talks and short workshops that introduce a range of current methods and analytical approaches in phylogenetics, bioinformatics and macroevolution. 

The CBA developed the TEA Talks series to complement ANU's Research School of Biology's Techniques in Computational genomics (TIC) meetings.

TEA Talks are targeted at evolutionary biologists and ecologists (students and researchers) who want to improve their understanding in emerging concepts and techniques in evolutionary analysis.

Topics include: 

  • Molecular phylogenetic inference
  • Tree and network thinking
  • Macroevolutionary inferences from phylogenies
  • Spatial and biogeographic models
  • eDNA and metagenomics
  • Population genomics/adaptation
  • Trait evolution and comparative methods
  • Museum/herbarium genomics

If you are interested in presenting (or co-presenting) a TEA Talk, either by contributing to the current topic list or a new a topic suggestion, please get in touch. 


 Claire Stephens

 Send mail

 02 6125 9492

No events are currently scheduled.

Past events

Updated:  15 July 2020/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services