OneDArT end-user engagement workshop: data quality and analytics

Diversity Arrays Technology Pty Ltd (DArT), together with the University of Canberra and ANU, are currently developing OneDArT, an ecological data capture, storage and analysis platform for biodiversity and biosecurity research.

To help further develop the platform, they would like to invite you to an end-user engagement workshop.

The aim of these stakeholder-focused workshops is find out more about how researchers capture, store, analyse and use biodiversity data (from field and collections metadata to genetic/genomic data), what you do with these data, and most importantly, how the DArT team can improve the whole process for users.

Your participation is invaluable in helping us to design and build not only the state-of-the-art in biodiversity/security capture, storage and analysis but a system that will be useable the world over by many of your colleagues and peers now and into the future. It is only through co-design with you that we can achieve this.

Background on the platform and project aims can be found here.

Data quality and analytics

The focus of this upcoming workshop is data quality and analytics. The aim is to inform the development of the OneDArT information system to enable users to map SNPs to genomes, assess data quality subject to filtering, and to export data in a form usable for downstream analyses. Such analyses could include parentage and relatedness within populations, spatial population and landscape genetics, species delimitation, and genome evolution.  

We will hear from the DArT team on the OneDArT project and the UC team on the new version of dartR, but the essential part of the day is to hear from you. We would like to encourage you to prepare a short presentation (around 3-5 slides) that captures your best use cases for data collection, storage and analysis. 

Please register by Monday 22 August and send your use case slides to by Tuesday 23 August.


Workshop program


Arrival & Networking

Morning tea



Craig Moritz (ANU): Welcome



DArT team: Platform design; mobile app development; data quality; analytics



UC team: dartR



DArT team: DArT use case - Barrow Island





Use Cases & Discussion

Short presentations from workshop participants


Connecting the system

BPA, ALA and Andrzej Kilian (DArT)




DArT/UC teams


Workshop close

Afternoon tea

Updated:  25 August 2022/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services