From landscape transformation to ecosystem collapse

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For the 10th anniversary of UC's Krebs Lecture we will cover a range of unexpected responses of biodiversity to landscape change and will include commentary on how multiple landscape transformations can alter key ecological processes and potentially trigger ecosystem collapse. 

With unprecedented bushfire destruction that has devastated a vast amount of Australian landscape, there is no denying that both nationally and globally we are subject to major transformations in land use and vegetation cover. 

Join Landscape Ecologist and Conservation Biologist, Professor David Lindenmayer AO as he explores the new perspectives on the environmental impacts of multiple landscape transformations. 

Gain new insights into the impacts of repeated landscape changes on biodiversity and the ecosystem, as Professor Lindenmayer delves into two long-term studies in south-eastern Australia.

Professor David Lindenmayer AO  is a world-leading expert in natural resource management, conservation science, and biodiversity conservation. His work on wildlife conservation has, for many years, led world research in this area. His areas of expertise include integrating farm production and environmental management, terrestrial ecology, wildlife and habitat management, environmental monitoring, fire management, zoology and forestry sciences. 

RSVP now for a free ticket. Complimentary drinks and canapes available from 7:30pm.

Updated:  21 July 2020/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services