Find out about the latest news, announcements and stories at the Centre of Biodiversity Analysis.
10 Nov 2016
If you have engaged with the CBA in some way over the last 4+ years, let us know what you think.
20 Sep 2016
We've mapped the hotspots of eucalypt diversity and our study shows that by 2085 the hotspots will be in different places. We need to plan now to conserve...
20 Sep 2016
A new CSIRO Future Sciences Platform on environmental genomics, or Environomics, has been announced. With indicative funding of ~$4.5M over 2-3 years the
15 Sep 2016
The EBL is now fully operational and ready for ANU and CSIRO staff and students' next sequencing project.
8 Sep 2016
The positive impact of incorporating evolutionary biology concepts and tools into environmental policy development and decision-making was universally accepted...
29 Jul 2016
We are looking to foster advances essential to food security and environmental stewardship in the face of climate change, population growth and land degradation
13 Jul 2016
A new program to help address Australia’s high mammal extinction rates has just been announced.
30 Jun 2016
This study is one of the first to provide evidence that interdisciplinary research has lower funding success rates, and this pattern holds across different...
21 Jun 2016
Conversation article by David Yeates, Director of the Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO
14 Jun 2016
Although they look the similar and both constrict their prey, the pythons and boas last shared a common ancestor 70 million years ago in the age of the...
2 Jun 2016
CBA Ignition grants aim to 'kick-start' new ANU-CSIRO collaborative research that incorporates genomics, informatics or spatial modelling into the...
21 Mar 2016
This will enable us to better understand how animals can respond to rapid changes in their environment, especially when these changes are occurring too swiftly...