University bioQuest – call for entrants

26 March 2018

It's always exciting to see what animals exist in your surroundings, even in an extremely urban space such as a uni campus.

Do you have a passion for wildlife and would love to have a go at winning some prize money, all in the name of biodiversity? Perhaps you were a champion at Pokémon Go and are looking for a new challenge? 

The ANU-based Centre for Biodiversity Analysis has sponsored a University team to take part in the inaugural University bioQuest. Their goal is simple - claim victory over other universities from around the world, and do so for the benefit of research.

To participate, those who sign up have to download the free Questagame app from the Apple or Google app stores, then sign up to the ANU team.

Data collected during the bioQuest will be made available for research purposes via the Atlas of Living Australia and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility.

Ecology and evolution student Krish Sanghvi has signed up to the challenge.

"I've run into some fascinating snakes while playing questagame, and seen some really unusual behaviours," he says.

"You often run into gorgeous critters in the bush which one would easily ignore, were it not for the urge to post their pictures on the game."

Krish, who is in his final semester of study at ANU, says it's an ideal chance for students to acquaint themselves with the natural campus environment.

"It's always exciting to see what animals exist in your surroundings, even in an extremely urban space such as a uni campus. This game also allows students to become familiar with names of different species around them."

QuestaGame has introduced him to diversity he often overlooked, Krish says, turning him into a keen naturalist.

"I now know what I'm looking at and how special that sighting is, as well as contributing to biodiversity science. This is pretty incredible!"

More information on University bioQuest can be found on the Centre for Biodiversity Analysis website.

University bioQuest runs from 1-30 April.

ANU Newsroom

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