Thermal vulnerability across taxa: predicting climate change effects on biodiversity

All organisms have characteristic thermal tolerance ranges, an upper and lower temperature threshold beyond which physiological damage occurs. Extreme temperature events now are commonplace and predicted to increase in frequency and intensity and to occur at unusual times. These events impact both survival and performance of organisms, either directly or in conjunction with other factors like drought, competition or other sources of resource limitation. 

On the first day of the CBA-funded Synthesis Group workshop 'Using thermal tolerance limits to understand species susceptibility under climate change', invited researchers coming from different parts of the world will be presenting a series of short talks open to the general community.

The afternoon talks will be followed by a social mixer with pizza, where students and members of our community can present posters related to thermal tolerance. The posters can have been presented already in other events and conferences.

Please let us know if you would like to bring a poster related to thermal tolerance when you register.



What do we really know: Are there useful generalisations about thermal tolerance and physiological plasticity?


Keith Christian, Charles Darwin University


Predicting field body temperatures across life cycles


Michael Kearney, University of Melbourne


Thermal vulnerability of urban trees: Using plant functional traits to predict mortality across species

Renee Marchin Prokopavicius, Western Sydney University


Afternoon tea break



Thermal vulnerability indices and the elephant in the room

Susana Clusella-Trullas, Stellenbosch University


Predicting tolerance in thermal ecology

Enrico Rezende Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Poster & pizza social mixer



Updated:  13 January 2023/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services