CBA Seminars

CBA seminar: The evolution of seasonal camouflage, Jeff Good, University of Montana

A major objective of the CBA is to enhance information exchange via external visitors.

We welcome suggestions throughout the year from CBA members on potential visitors and speakers. 

See here for more information on CBA's Visiting Scientist Support.


 Claire Stephens

 Send mail

 02 6125 9492

Upcoming events

1–2pm 20 February 2025
Paul Frandsen, Brigham Young University, Utah
In this seminar, Paul Frandsen, visiting from Brigham Young University, will explore the evolution of silk genes and the links between the silk genotype and phenotype in insect order Trichoptera (caddisflies).

Past events


Updated:  29 June 2022/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services