Policy Impact Masterclass


  • recording of the Masterclass is now available.

  • To help shape future workshops and continue our engagement in this area we would very much appreciate your feedback via a short survey.


Policy Impact Masterclass

The Centre for Biodiversity Analysis in collaboration with the Public Policy & Societal Impact Hub (the Hub) will be delivering a bespoke Policy Masterclass Workshop for researchers interested in engaging with policy-makers to collaborate in research or increase their research impact. We highly encourage PhD students and ECRs to attend to build knowledge and networks in this space.

This workshop has been co-designed with the Hub, who will also be facilitating the workshop. It will endeavour to provide practical advice for researchers about how to engage with policy-makers and provide an opportunity for researchers to build connections with some key senior academics in the biodiversity domain.

The panel will share their expertise about the policy environment and discuss with researchers how they can maximise their research impact through meaningful engagements with key policy makers in the biodiversity and environment policy space. The workshop will also provide researchers with the opportunity to ask questions on how best to engage with the policy-making world and develop strategies for moving forward.

The workshop will be delivered as a Zoom Webinar, which will allow for a combination of panel sessions, Q&A and group ‘breakout’ sessions. 

Registration is free but numbers will be capped to facilitate discussion. The Zoom link will be emailed prior to the workshop - please contact us if you do not receive it. If after registering you can not make it to the workshop, please let us know and we will make your place re-available. 



Opening and introduction from Facilitator


Session 1: How to influence public policy and have impact in the policy making world


Q&A: Direct questions from participants


Session 2:  How to build relationships with policy makers


Session 3:  Breakout session #1

For this session, presenters will facilitate small discussion groups with participants to discuss strategies for moving forward in working with policy makers. 


Session 4: Breakout session #2

Panel members swap into a different group. This facilitated discussion will allow participants to discuss how best to structure research activities in order to maximise the potential for having positive public impact with feedback/recommendations from panel members.


Final wrap up

Final comment from each speaker and closing remark from Facilitator



Rosie Cooney, Senior Director of Conservation Research, ACT Government

Dr Rosie Cooney is a disciplinary and sectoral boundary-crosser, with a history of engaging knowledge from diverse quarters and convening dialogue to address topical issues, and analysing and distilling research findings to inform practice and policy.

Rosie has spent majority of her career working for international conservation organisations (mainly IUCN, the International Union for Conservation of Nature), with stints in academic roles (as a Research Fellow at Institute of Environmental Studies at UNSW and convening International Environmental Policy at Fenner), in government, and as a consultant (to international organisations, governments and the private sector).

A strong focus in recent years has been supporting the inclusion of indigenous and community voices and perspectives in conservation deliberations, through supporting community leaders to participate in global meetings and debates.
Rosie sits on the Science and Technical Advisory Panel to the Global Environment Facility (GEF-STAP), which provides strategic scientific and technical advice on GEF policies, programs and projects. Rosie is currently carrying out these responsibilities while undertaking consultancies for international organisations, and developing a number of research ideas and projects. 

Rosie is currently the Senior Director of Conservation Research for the ACT Government.

Jamie Pittock, Professor, Fenner School of Environment and Society

Associate Professor Jamie Pittock teaches courses on environment and society and climate change vulnerability and adaptation and co-convenes the Masters of Climate Change program at ANU. Jamie's research focusses on environmental governance, climate change adaptation, energy and sustainable management of water. Jamie manages a research projects on irrigation in Africa (Mozambique, Tanzania and Zimbabwe) and on energy and food in the Mekong region.

Prior to joining ANU, Jamie worked for WWF International as Director of their Global Freshwater Program on conservation of wetlands, water use in agriculture, and river basin management. He worked for WWF Australia on national environmental laws; conservation of threatened biodiversity; management of invasive species; and measures to support Indigenous and private conservation land managers. He also worked in the Northern Territory and in Victoria.

Jamie is a fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. He is a member of the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists and the World Commission on Protected Areas, serves on the Advisory Board of The Nature Conservancy Australia and the public fund of Water Stewardship Asia-Pacific, and chairs the Eminent Scientists Group of WWF Australia. Most recently, Jamie has been involved in controversial research on the effectiveness of reforms to water governance in the Murray-Darling Basin by state and federal governments. This has required engaging and telling truth to power in a constructive manner that enhances policy and practice.

Jamie is also an editor of Regional Environmental Change, Frontiers - Freshwater Science, and Ecosystem Services.

Peter Burnett, Honorary Associate Professor at the ANU College of Law, Special Advisor to the Public Policy and Societal Impact Hub

Peter is an Honorary Associate Professor at the ANU College of Law, where he researches Australian environmental policy and law.

His current research interests include the reform of environmental impact assessment and the role of environmental accounting in policy integration.

Before coming to the ANU, Peter held a number of senior executive positions in the federal Environment Department, most recently in 2011-2012 as a First Assistant Secretary leading a Regulatory Reform Taskforce.

Peter holds a PhD from the ANU in environmental policy. He also holds undergraduate degrees in arts and law and a Master degree in public law. Peter is an Adviser to the Public Policy & Societal Impact Hub, providing both academic and policy inputs in environmental policy.

Sean Innis, Director, Public Policy and Societal Impact Hub (Workshop facilitator)

Sean Innis is the inaugural Director of the Public Policy and Societal Impact Hub at ANU. Sean is a former senior public servant, with more than 25 years’ public policy experience. He was Special Adviser to Australia’s independent Productivity Commission (2016 – 17), and held senior executive positions in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Department of Social Services. Sean chaired the Prime Ministerial Welfare to Work Task Force in 2005 and led the secretariat responsible for the 2004 Energy White Paper - Securing Australia’s Energy Future.

Updated:  5 January 2022/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services