MegaMove: informing global marine megafauna conservation

MegaMove is a team of scientists committed to generate the impetus needed to overhaul marine megafauna conservation at global scale. Their goal is to bring together the marine movement ecology community to join efforts in addressing this global challenge.

The MegaMove team, led by Dr. Ana Sequeira (ANU Research School of Biology), has planned a public event to share ideas, meet new colleagues, and potentially start new collaborations.

This mini-symposium will include presentations from the MegaMove steering committee members as well as guests from CSIRO, University of Queensland, and University of Bristol.

Presentations will be followed by a sundowner with drinks and nibbles, so please RSVP by 16 Feb to reserve your place! All welcome.


  • 2:00pm Welcome and summary of program
  • 2:05pm MegaMove: a global synthesis for informing marine megafauna conservation - Ana Sequeira (ANU)
  • 2:30pm The global ecosystem of marine life observing initiatives -  Karen Evans (CSIRO)
  • 2:50pm Climate change in 3-D in the ocean and approaches for climate-smart marine reserve design - Anthony Richardson (CSIRO and UQ)
  • 3:10pm Shifting the paradigm in animal movement modelling: tapping into the unexplored potential of discrete mathematics - Luca Giuggioli (UB)
  • 3:30pm AniBOS - an emerging network of GOOS - Rob Harcourt (MACQUARIE)
  • 3:50pm The Global Shark Movement Project - David Sims (MBA)
  • 4:10pm onwards Social sundowner

Download the flyer and program here. This mini-symposium is part of a workshop supported by a CBA Synthesis Grant.

Updated:  30 April 2024/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services