Geneious workshop

Geneious is a DNA, RNA and protein sequence alignment, assembly and analysis software platform, integrating bioinformatic and molecular biology tools into a simple interface. The workshop will provide a brief introduction to the basics and then move on to more advanced/novel features. Thus, it will be assumed that participants have a basic knowledge of Geneious. 

The training docs for the workshop can be found here

You will need to attend the workshop with a recent version of Geneious (5.6 or later) installed on your own laptop. If you do not have a Geneious license there is a unrestricted 14-day free trial available. Download Geneious here.

You should also download the following files onto your computers, as they will be used during the workshop:
Workshop outline:
Sequences and Alignments
  • pairwise alignment (both DNA and Protein alignments, covers dotplot interpretation, sequence manipulation, etc)
  • multiple alignment (both DNA and Protein alignments, covers using the different algorithms, and using Geneious’s visualisation tools to find patterns of homology)
  • neighbour joining (will mention other available algorithms)
  • interpreting the tree view and distance matrix view
Whole Genome Assembly 
  • whole genome reference mapping with paired-end data, and variant calling
Primer Design
  • primer design, primer testing, primer databases, extracting PCR products
  • setting up and connecting to a LIMS database
  • entering reactions
  • searching
  • binning trace files by quality
  • trimming and sequence assembly
  • taxonomy verification
  • reporting and troubleshooting

The workshop is FREE, but you need to register with Claire Stephens by 3 April 2013.


Updated:  5 June 2023/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services