DNA target enrichment in phylogenomics workshop

This full-day workshop will outline target DNA enrichment (aka exome capture, hybrid enrichment) as a method of obtaining nucleotide sequence data for phylogenomics.

Topics covered will include probe design, software to use for bait design, laboratory procedures, and the demonstration of how enriched DNA sequences can be reliably assigned to target genes.


  • Oliver Niehuis -  Zentrum für molekulare Biodiversitätsforschung, Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany.
  • Manuela Sann -  Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitäts-forschung an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Since 2010, Dr Oliver Niehuis has headed the Molecular Laboratory at the Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig in Bonn. He was major contributor in the Nasonia parasitoid wasp genome sequencing project and coordinated the twisted-wing parasite (Strepsiptera) genome sequencing project that set a new standard in the field of phylogenomics. Dr Niehuis is member of the i5K coordinating group, an assemblage of scientists who are united by their aim in fostering the sequencing of non-model arthropod genomes. He also is coordinator of orthology prediction and of the subproject Hymenoptera in the international 1KITE project that seeks to infer reliable insect backbone tree of life. Dr Niehuis has extensive experience in DNA target enrichment techniques. He is visiting Australia as a keynote speaker for the Australian Entomological Society's 50th Anniversary Conference.

Workshop details

  • When: Thursday 2 October, 9am-5pm (the workshop room will be open from 8.30am).
  • Where: Research School of Biology, ANU, Gould Meetings Room (Daley Road, Acton, Bldg 116 Rm 246). ANU visitor parking.
  • Target Audience: PhD Students, Postdoctoral Fellows, ideally those who aim to design/select loci for hybrid enrichment. There are a limited number of places available.
  • Cost: $45 (includes tea, coffee and catered lunch (12.30pm) - please indicate any dietary requirements when registering).

Participants do not need to have wetlab experience, however some basic skills in calling programs from the command line or using UNIX commands will be useful. 

Participants should bring their own laptops (Mac or Linux) to the workshop. Software and test datasets will be sent to registered participants prior to the workshop. There will be Wi-Fi available in the workshop room. ANU staff/students can use their own Uni ID number to log in and we will provide a guest log in on the ANU network for non-ANU participants. However, it is highly recommended that you come to the workshops with all the required downloads on your computer as there will be limited time available.
Oliver and Manuela's visit is being supported by the Centre for Biodiversity Analysis. Hosts David Yeates and Karen Meusemann (ANIC, CSIRO).

Register here.

Updated:  20 July 2022/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services