The Centre for Biodiversity Analysis turns 10

1 July 2022

The Centre for Biodiversity Analysis was established in 2012 as a collaborative initiative of ANU and CSIRO, with the University of Canberra joining in 2018. Thanks to the strong support and participation from these three partner institutions, the CBA is celebrating its 10th birthday in July 2022.

Through science and training, with a focus on advanced applications of genomics and spatial environmental analysis, the CBA’s key aim is to improve the understanding, protection and resilience of Australia’s unique biodiversity and ecosystems in the face of accelerating environmental change.

Over 70 research groups from across ANU, UC and CSIRO have engaged with the CBA via Ignition Grant, Synthesis Groups and Visiting Scientist funding programs (plus many more through workshop, seminar, symposia and conference attendance).

We have funded 73 Ignition Grants and 14 Synthesis Groups; hosted 42 workshops in total (including 13 ECR- led training workshops); and supported 21 visiting scientists, many of which also presented training workshops during their time in Canberra.

Targeted capacity building and support has led to over 20 co-supervised Honours, Masters and PhD Students being facilitated through the Centre.

Further funding initiated from CBA-funded projects has included SIEF-RI (including the Ecogenomics and Bioinformatics Laboratory), ARC Linkage, Discovery and LEIF, CSIRO FSP, ABRS and Bioplatforms Australia.

Notable progress has been made in taking biodiversity science from the lab into the policy landscape with the CBA’s Synthesis Groups and Knowledge Broker making significant connections with Federal, State and ACT governments. As part of this we have hosted 15+ knowledge exchange events including workshops, symposia, conferences.

To recognise and celebrate the Centre’s 10 years, past and current grant recipients have been invited to share their projects at a special 10th Anniversary Science Symposium in October.


Updated:  24 October 2022/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services