The evolution of antievolution policies

Antievolutionist creationism has had a number of major waves, focused in the U.S. but spreading internationally. The last major wave was "intelligent design" creationism, which received its greatest defeat in the Federal court case Kitzmiller v. Dover, decided December 20, 2005. This case challenged the constitutionality of an "intelligent design" policy required in high school biology classrooms in Dover, Pennsylvania.

I worked on this case while at the National Center for Science Education (NCSE), a nonprofit watchdog group devoted to defending classroom coverage of evolution, global warming, and other allegedly "controversial" topics. I will discuss the case and its background, and also present a new Science paper conducting a phylogenetic analysis of "crypto-creationist" proposals in the decade since Kitzmiller.

This seminar is part of the Interface of Evolutionary Biology and Policy Impact workshop.

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