Genomic estimation of relatedness and quantitative genetic estimation

Workshop appications close Friday 28 September

We are organizing a workshop in genomic estimation of relatedness and quantitative genetic estimation, funded by the Centre for Biodiversity Analysis' Synthesis Group program. 

The workshop will run over two days at ANU's Kioloa coastal campus (arriving Sunday evening, 28 Oct and departing Wednesday morning, 31 Oct).

On the first day, Professor Ben Hayes (U. Queensland), a world-renowned expert in using genomic technologies for livestock and crop improvement, will help us transfer recent agronomic developments to the study of non-model species by providing training in the latest methods in estimating relatedness from genomic data and using these values in quantitative genetic analyses, specifically running animal models.

For the second day, there will be analyses of people's own data sets, and discussions about the use of these tools in the study of wild or non-model organisms.

The workshop is aimed in part at people who have genomic data on their study systems and want to use it for some relatedness or quantitative-genetic analyses, but you don't have to have your own data (or any experience of animal models) to come along!

We have a limited number of spots available and we may have to select attendants.

If you would like to join us, please send an email with a couple of sentences explaining why you are interested (by Friday 28 September).

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like more information.

Updated:  21 July 2020/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services