New CBA Knowledge Broker appointed
A major objective of the CBA is to exchange knowledge, perspectives and challenges amongst scientists and policy makers, and find ways to effectively engage, now and into the future.
The Centre for Biodiversity Analysis is very pleased to introduce and welcome our newly appointed Knowledge Broker, Paula Doyle.
Paula comes to the CBA from a science education background and will use her wide-ranging communication and relationship-building skills at the interface of CBA research and environmental science policy.
Paula will play a key role in making connections to facilitate a two-way exchange of information between knowledge producers (biodiversity scientists at ANU, UC and CSIRO) and those who use this knowledge (environmental policy makers and managers), with the ultimate goal of influencing positive biodiversity conservation outcomes.
Paula will be based at the Institute of Applied Ecology at the University of Canberra and will be available Monday-Wednesday. She is looking forward to meeting scientists, learning about their research and ideas, perspectives and experience with environmental management and policy.
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