National eDNA Reference Centre to be established at UC

Signing the University-level agreement for service provision with the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment. Photo: University of Canberra
21 January 2022

The EcoDNA team from the University of Canberra will play an important role in the Australian Government’s National Environment DNA (eDNA) Testing Program, with the signing a partnership agreement with Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment.

Signed by Secretary Andrew Metcalfe AO and UC’s Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Paddy Nixon, the two agreements will see the University set up a National eDNA Reference Centre on campus, host a number of supporting services for the National eDNA Testing Program, and provide opportunities for students and staff to be involved in collaborative projects with the Department.

This includes the University helping to establish an eDNA Collaboration Centre Network; national standards and protocols to ensure all testing is fit-for-purpose; and accreditation standards for laboratory partners.

Further research into eDNA and eRNA along with training for private and public stakeholders and laboratory personnel in Australian and international partner laboratories also forms part of the program and partnership.

Congratulations to Alejandro, Di and the team!

Updated:  24 August 2023/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services