Building knowledge to action networks
Our Knowledge Broker, Paula Doyle, has been looking at opportunities for people to expand their networks through informal lunch time gatherings.
Paula saw the need for professional networkers to have a way to grow skills, share information and develop best practise. "NEST" stands for Networking, Esprit de corps, Support and Teamwork.
Lunch time gatherings take place once a month at the University of Canberra. A diverse groups of people working in the “Knowledge to action” field have attended so far, eg. the Canberra Innovation Network, Biotext and the AFP, as well as knowledge brokers from ANU and UC.
We intend to resume NEST in 2022 and encourage you to extend our invitation to the network facilitator in your sphere; or come along yourself to hear about what knowledge brokers can do for you and your research impact. Please contact Paula if you are interested.