Climate Change Adaptation for Environment and Heritage in the ACT

The ACT Government currently has an intense focus on the area of climate change adaptation, with a whole-of-government climate risk assessment recently concluded.

The next step in this process is detailed planning. The Environment, Heritage and Water division (of the ACT Government Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate) is leading the way initiating work on a detailed framework for adaptation in their sector.

This 1-day symposium is an initial event intended to kick start this process for Environment and Heritage – exposing government managers, policymakers and scientists to the cutting-edge research and thinking of ANU, University of Canberra and CSIRO on climate change adaptation.

The focus will be on adaptation in the context of the natural environment, encompassing ecosystems and biodiversity, biosecurity, fire, water, heritage, Ngunnawal values and custodianship, NRM, and reserve management.

Subject matter will include local scenarios and projections, pathways to adaptation, tools and approaches, and case studies of successful (and unsuccessful) experiences.

There will be plenty of time for discussion of emerging challenges for climate adaptation in the ACT.

Symposium invitation | ACT Government Science Plan 2020-25


Symposium program & talk summaries

Download here




Symposium recordings

Updated:  19 April 2024/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services