Climate Change Adaptation for Environment and Heritage in the ACT
The ACT Government currently has an intense focus on the area of climate change adaptation, with a whole-of-government climate risk assessment recently concluded.
The next step in this process is detailed planning. The Environment, Heritage and Water division (of the ACT Government Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate) is leading the way initiating work on a detailed framework for adaptation in their sector.
This 1-day symposium is an initial event intended to kick start this process for Environment and Heritage – exposing government managers, policymakers and scientists to the cutting-edge research and thinking of ANU, University of Canberra and CSIRO on climate change adaptation.
The focus will be on adaptation in the context of the natural environment, encompassing ecosystems and biodiversity, biosecurity, fire, water, heritage, Ngunnawal values and custodianship, NRM, and reserve management.
Subject matter will include local scenarios and projections, pathways to adaptation, tools and approaches, and case studies of successful (and unsuccessful) experiences.
There will be plenty of time for discussion of emerging challenges for climate adaptation in the ACT.
Symposium invitation | ACT Government Science Plan 2020-25
Symposium program & talk summaries
- Mark Howden The large-scale context of adaptation: lessons from the 6th IPCC report | Slides | Visual scribe | Time lapse
- Fei Ji NARCliM and its projected climate changes for the ACT | Slides | Visual scribe | Time lapse
- Q&A with panel of speakers | Visual scribe | Time lapse
- Michael Dunlop Adapting to significant change: some core concepts and themes for the day | Slides | Visual scribe | Time lapse
- Marta Yebra Can new technologies revolutionise bushfire fighting? | Slides | Visual scribe | Time lapse
- Ben Keaney Why conserve high-country bogs?… For peats sake! | Slides | Visual scribe | Time lapse
- David Lindenmeyer New perspectives on fire dynamics – with major implications for hazard reduction burning | Slides | Visual scribe | Time lapse
- Adrienne Nicotra Anticipating and managing transformative change in high country vegetation communities | Slides | Visual scribe | Time lapse
- Tom Harwood Where in our landscape are our ecosystems resilient to climate change, and where are they not? | Slides | Visual scribe | Time lapse
- Claudia Munera Do we need to change management to adapt our protected areas? Slides | Visual scribe | Time lapse
- Plenary discussion | Visual scribe | Time lapse
- Fiona Dyer WSUD for the future: what innovations are needed now? | Slides | Visual scribe | Time lapse
- Deborah O'Connell Disaster risk reduction and resilient investment | Slides | Visual scribe | Time lapse
- Ross Thompson Managing for climate-change resilient ecosystems: theory and practise | Slides | Visual scribe | Time lapse
- Jamie Pittock What new should we do to conserve freshwater biodiversity with climate change in the ACT? | Slides | Visual scribe | Time lapse
- Paul Wyrwoll What if Tantangara Dam was a key asset for ACT climate change adaptation? | Slides | Visual scribe | Time lapse
- Carina Wyborn You don’t need detailed climate projections to support landscape scale adaptation | Slides | Visual scribe | Time lapse
- Barbara Norman Climate-resilient planning for Canberra delivers multiple benefits | Slides | Visual scribe | Time lapse
- Justin Borevitz How to manage rural lands for resilience in a changing climate | Slides | Visual scribe | Time lapse
- Rachel Williams What does climate-ready biodiversity conservation look like in practice? | Slides | Visual scribe | Time lapse
- Plenary discussion | Visual scribe | Time lapse